[⚠️WARNING! You can use this story I made by like making Animations,Fan made Sequels,BUT Please Credit me.⚠️]
One day,it was a normal day on Roblox,Players are Playing Games,Devs are updating games Etc. and you see that BSS title is "[NEW UPDATE!] Bee Swarm Simulator"You Decide to Play it,mostly hoping for new bees,new areas and more,once you join the game,There's nothing there,No Hives,No Players,No Music Not nothing,you decide go to Black Bear to see if hes there but no,The other bears are Missing,Items from the Ticket Tent are Gone,The Star hall is Locked. The Free Secret Ant Pass Passage is also Locked. you start exploring the map, Nobody's Theres,Not even Mobs,You decide to ask Your Friend that if the game is okay for them. they say "Yeah it's fine,I'm Enjoying so Much" You ask what's new,But he doesn't respond,Letting you on a Cliffhanger.You decide to Hop on The BSS server and most people say its fine. You decide to go to the Hive,Claim it and try Farming, You are let with only a Singular Basic Bee,You decide to see his Bio and it's Blank,Everything is Blank,you try using it,The bee does nothing,it keeps surrounding you,you keep exploring the map,Most Shops and Locations are empty and most items are worth "1 Honey",you try to go into Spirit Bears Main Spot,there is a Pad saying "Click to interact with the" Without Ending it,the only text it says is "." "You are here."You try going into YouTube to see whats happening,most YouTubers are saying "New Bonsai Tree Field?? Pink Pollen!! Bonsai Bear!" Where it shows a so called 40 Bee gate,you go back to the game to go for it,You enter it,there's nothing, Only a pitch Black tree with a Bear with a String floating around the tree, "Click to interact with Nobody." "." ".." "this is how we live our Lives.." "Pretending To be happy" "Until you Realese there's nothing on this universe,Just a Burning Memory..." "Quest Done! Rewards:1+ Pollen" You get Confused "who's that? Since bears could have given us Pollen for Rewards?" You try using that Singular Pollen into your hive,You get a Notification. "1+ Map (From)" you try using it,it leads to a area behind the map,you go in there,it's just yellow,Distorted Music Starts Playing,You Try Resetting,Nothing Works,You try leaving the game,The game makes you Join again. you try turning off your PC,still there, Stuck. On this world,which used to be a Happy Place, You are now Forced to deal with it.......... you can't sleep without peace,cause the PC keeps Causing Weird Noises, It never stops. You try throwing your old PC into the Trash, Buying a New one and logging into the new,Somethings Different,it's your Profile Icon with a Pitch Black Head and your name is "HELPME".....
The End...
Short QnA:
Q:how did the player enter the 35 bee zone with 1 Bee?
A:Simple,The gate is Gone.
Q:Planning into making Sequels?