Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Icon Description
Bomber Bee Bomber Bee BomberIcon This crafty bee makes bombs which collect pollen from all nearby flowers.
Brave Bee Brave Bee BraveIcon This loyal bee will do anything to protect its owner.
Bumble Bee Bumble Bee BumbleIcon A mellow fellow who moves a little slow, but works harder and longer than others.
Cool Bee Cool Bee CoolIcon A sarcastic bee who's a little better than the others. Sometimes boosts pollen from Blue flowers.
Hasty Bee Hasty Bee HastyIcon A quick bee who always zips arounds [sic]. Sometimes it even makes YOU move faster.
Looker Bee Looker Bee LookerIcon This silent bee is always watching and gaining valuable insights.
Rad Bee Rad Bee RadIcon A stylish bee with a taste for red flowers. Everyone wants to be this bee.
Rascal Bee Rascal Bee RascalIcon A mischievous bee who moves quick and hits hard. Keep an eye out on this one.
Stubborn Bee Stubborn Bee StubbornIcon A hardheaded bee who can't be bossed around. It tells others where to go.
Basic Egg Egg and Jelly Probability Royal Jelly
Item Base Probability Probability of getting a particular rare bee.
Basic EggBasic Egg 10% 1.11111%
Silver EggSilver Egg 64.9% 7.21111%
Gold EggGold Egg 0% 0%
Diamond EggDiamond Egg 0% 0%
Mythic EggMythic Egg 0% 0%
Royal JellyRoyal Jelly 70% 7.77778%


  • A Rare Bee's hive color is white.
  • All colorless Rare Bees except Stubborn Bee have a guard named after them, which are all sold in the Pro Shop.