Bomber Bee
This crafty bee makes bombs which collect pollen from all nearby flowers.
Brave Bee
This loyal bee will do anything to protect its owner.
Bumble Bee
A mellow fellow who moves a little slow, but works harder and longer than others.
Cool Bee
A sarcastic bee who's a little better than the others. Sometimes boosts pollen from Blue flowers.
Hasty Bee
A quick bee who always zips arounds [sic]. Sometimes it even makes YOU move faster.
Looker Bee
This silent bee is always watching and gaining valuable insights.
Rad Bee
A stylish bee with a taste for red flowers. Everyone wants to be this bee.
Rascal Bee
A mischievous bee who moves quick and hits hard. Keep an eye out on this one.
Stubborn Bee
A hardheaded bee who can't be bossed around. It tells others where to go.