Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

The blender in the Badge Bearer's Guild.

The Blender is a machine located in the Badge Bearer's Guild. The machine's usage is to create consumable items from pre-existing items. However, the player is only able to craft one type of item at a time. There is a total of 20 different items that the machine can craft.

Can Be Crafted[]


The Blender interface when crafting an item.

Each item takes 5 minutes to craft and the timer only counts down when the player is in-game. The player can end the crafting process at any time by clicking on the "End Crafting" button. This will give the player all finished items, and all unfinished items will be turned back into their ingredients and given back to the player. If the button is green, then everything has been blended. If not (red button), then the Blender has not finished blending. The player can also speed up the blending for a varying amount of TicketTickets. For every 1 item being crafted, the Blender requires 1 more ticket to speed up. Except for Moon CharmMoon Charms and GumdropsGumdrops, for which each ticket serves for speeding up whole 10 items.

Result Ingredients
Red Extract
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Strawberry50 Strawberries
Blue Extract
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Blueberry50 Blueberries
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Pineapple50 Pineapples
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Sunflower Seed50 Sunflower Seeds
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Gumdrops50 Gumdrops
Coconut10 Coconuts
Enzymes2 Enzymes
Oil2 Oils
Gumdrops icon
Pineapple3 Pineapples
Strawberry3 Strawberries
Blueberry3 Blueberries
Royal Jelly1 Royal Jelly
Pineapple5 Pineapples
Gumdrops5 Gumdrops
Moon Charm25 Moon Charms
Magic Bean1 Magic Bean
Royal Jelly100 Royal Jellies
Glitter3 Glitter
Neonberry3 Neonberries
Red Extract3 Red Extracts
Blue Extract3 Blue Extracts
Glue3 Glues
Soft Wax
Honeysuckle5 Honeysuckles
Oil1 Oil
Enzymes1 Enzymes
Royal Jelly10 Royal Jellies
Soft Wax3 Soft Waxes
Enzymes3 Enzymes
Bitterberry33 Bitterberries
Royal Jelly33 Royal Jellies
Swirled Wax
Hard Wax3 Hard Waxes
Soft Wax9 Soft Waxes
Purple Potion6 Purple Potions
Royal Jelly3,333 Royal Jellies
Hard Wax5 Hard Waxes
Enzymes5 Enzymes
Neonberry25 Neonberries
Royal Jelly5,252 Royal Jellies
Soft Wax1 Soft Wax
Whirligig1 Whirligig
Red Extract1 Red Extract
Blue Extract1 Blue Extract
Smooth Dice
Field Dice3 Field Dice
Soft Wax3 Soft Waxes
Whirligig3 Whirligigs
Oil3 Oils
Loaded Dice
Smooth Dice3 Smooth Dice
Hard Wax3 Hard Waxes
Oil3 Oils
Glue1 Glue
Super Smoothie
Neonberry3 Neonberries
Star Jelly3 Star Jellies
Purple Potion3 Purple Potions
Tropical Drink6 Tropical Drinks
Super Smoothie10 Super Smoothies
Caustic Wax10 Caustic Waxes
Star Jelly100 Star Jellies
Honeysuckle1,000 Honeysuckles


  • There is a Star JellyStar Jelly token on top of the lid of the Blender. It can be obtained by repeatedly jumping on the handle with enough Jump Power or by standing on the gate to the Ace Badge section and gliding towards the top.
  • If you select to craft something but not actually ‘blend’ it, when you leave the blender and open it up again, it would show that you would select the number of red extracts you want to craft, even if the amount displayed is above the amount you would be able to craft with your resources, though you won't be able to select the Confirm option.
  • During the start of the Beesmas 2022 you could complete "obtain items" quests by canceling the crafting, however this got fixed.
  • Making something that requires 2 or more strawberries will appear as [-n Strawberrys], being incorrectly spelt as the correct word should be strawberries (n means an unknown amount of strawberries)
Fields Sunflower FieldDandelion FieldMushroom FieldBlue Flower FieldClover FieldSpider FieldBamboo FieldStrawberry FieldPineapple PatchStump FieldCactus FieldPumpkin PatchPine Tree ForestRose FieldAnt FieldHub FieldMountain Top FieldCoconut FieldPepper Patch
Shops Basic Egg ShopBoost MarketTreat ShopGumdrop ShopRoyal Jelly ShopTicket ShopNoob ShopPro ShopMagic Bean ShopBadge Bearer's GuildDapper Bear's ShopStinger ShopMountain Top ShopBlue HQRed HQHub Field ShopRobo Bear's ShopPetal ShopCoconut CaveTicket TentRobux Shop
Gates Basic Bee GateBrave Bee GateHoney Bee GateAnt GateLion Bee GateBear GateWindy Bee Gate
Machines Honey DispenserRoyal Jelly DispenserTreat DispenserInstant ConverterWealth ClockMoon Amulet GeneratorMemory MatchBlue Field BoosterRed Field BoosterField BoosterBlueberry DispenserStrawberry DispenserHoneystormSpecial Sprout SummonerFree Ant Pass DispenserAnt Pass DispenserGlue DispenserBlenderCoconut DispenserMythic Meteor ShowerFree Robo Pass DispenserRobo Pass DispenserSticker StackSticker PrinterNectar Condenser
Transportation SlingshotYellow CannonBlue CannonRed CannonBlue TeleporterRed Teleporter
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