Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

The Blue HQ is a two-story base with many features. The entrance can be found at the far end of the Blue Flower Field, located in the Starter Zone. It has a Bucko Bee model above the entrance. To enter, the player must have discovered 4 different blue bee types. The Blue HQ is the blue counterpart to the Red HQ.

On the roof, there is an enlarged Bubble Wand. This wand occasionally grows a face and blows sparkles to nearby fields. This includes the Clover Field, Mushroom Field, Blue Flower Field, and the Dandelion Field.


On the first floor, there are four different objects:

  • A Blue Teleporter that will teleport the player near the Ticket Tent and Red Cannon,
  • A set of blue items for sale, (See the 'Store' section below.)
  • The Blueberry Dispenser, which gives a varying amount BlueberryBlueberries depending on the number of * blue bees the player has in their hive every 4 hours,
  • The All-Time Top Blue Collectors leaderboard, which shows the top 100 players who have collected the most blue pollen.

On the second floor, there are more features:


There's a store in the Blue HQ that sells nine items. To open the store, press E when near the store's items and not on the Blue Teleporter, Blueberry Dispenser, the Leaderboards, or the second floor.

Item Cost Description
Bubble Wand
Honey3,500,000 Honey Collects 6 pollen from a ring of 16 patches in 0.8 seconds. Collects x2 from blue flowers.
Tide Popper
250 Gifted Bucko Bee quests completed
Honey2.5T Honey
Blue Extract1,500 Blue Extracts
Tropical Drink150 Tropical Drinks
Swirled Wax75 Swirled Waxes
Super Smoothie50 Super Smoothies
Comforting Vial3 Comforting Vials
Pierce through flowers and bubbles with torrential waves. Ramps up the more you pop, then unleashes tidal waves in a violent surge. Splash Balloons with tall waves to earn Tide Blessing.

Item Cost Description
Blue Port-O-Hive
Honey12,500,000 Honey
Blue Extract2 Blue Extracts
Soft Wax2 Soft Waxes
A Port-O-Hive dipped in shiney [sic] blue paint.

Item Cost Description
Bubble Mask
Honey100,000,000 Honey
Blue Extract50 Blue Extracts
Blueberry500 Blueberries
Oil25 Oils
Glitter15 Glitter
Harness the power of the sea to enhance your Blue pollen gathering.
Blue Guard
Honey1,000,000 Honey
Blueberry50 Blueberries
Royal Jelly1 Royal Jelly
Moon Charm3 Moon Charms
A durable pad worn on the right shoulder of Blue Beekeepers.
Elite Blue Guard
Honey5,000,000 Honey
Blue Extract3 Blue Extracts
Blueberry50 Blueberries
Royal Jelly5 Royal Jellies
Moon Charm15 Moon Charms
A Blue Guard reserved for the most dedicated Blue Beekeepers.
  • [Right Shoulder]
  • +75,000 Capacity.
  • +25% Blue Pollen.
  • +7% Defense.
  • +50% Critical Power.
  • +1 Blue Bee Attack.
Bucko Guard
Honey30,000,000 Honey
Blue Extract10 Blue Extracts
Blueberry100 Blueberries
Glue5 Glues
Moon Charm75 Moon Charms
A piece of armor forged by the leader of the Blue Bees!
  • [Right Shoulder]
  • +150,000 Capacity.
  • +35% Blue Pollen.
  • +10% Defense.
  • +75% Critical Power.
  • +2 Blue Bee Attack.

Item Cost Description
Blue Clay Planter
Honey10,000,000 Honey
Magic Bean5 Magic Beans
Blue Extract15 Blue Extracts
Soft Wax20 Soft Waxes
Alone, grows in around 6 hours. Stores around 3 million Pollen. Grants bonus Blue Extracts, Micro-Converters and Honeysuckles.
  • Grows up to 25% faster in fields with Blue Flowers
  • Gives 50% bonus Blue Pollen from harvests
  • Blue bees are 25% more likely to sip Nectar from this, but Red Bees avoid it.
  • Grants +20% Refreshing and Comforting Nectar
Hydroponic Planter
150 Gifted Bucko Bee quests completed
Honey750B Honey
Magic Bean75 Magic Beans
Blue Extract750 Blue Extracts
Soft Wax500 Soft Waxes
Caustic Wax25 Caustic Waxes
Turpentine1 Turpentine
Alone, grows in about 12 hours. Stores around 10 billion Pollen. Grants bonus Blue Extract and Oils.
  • Grows up to 50% faster in fields with Blue Flowers
  • Gives 50% bonus Blue Pollen from harvests
  • Blue bees are 50% more likely to sip Nectar from this, but Red Bees are 50% less likely
  • Grants +40% Refreshing and Comforting Nectar


When inside of the Blue HQ, the song "vendor" plays.



  • The Tide Popper is currently the most expensive item able to be bought in the Blue HQ.
  • If the player goes to the corner of the ramp inside the Blue HQ closest to the Clover Field, they will be able to hear the Crawlers music.
  • Unlike the Riley Bee model on the Red HQ, the wings of the Bucko Bee model don't have collision.
  • On 01/01/22, there was a glitch where if the player attempted to view the Tide Popper, the game would freeze and they won't be able to exit the shop, except for rejoining the game.
  • The Blue HQ is also known as the "Blue Clubhouse." If the player does not have 4 blue bee types discovered, the top of their screen will say, "Discover 4 Blue Bee types to enter the Blue Clubhouse."
Fields Sunflower FieldDandelion FieldMushroom FieldBlue Flower FieldClover FieldSpider FieldBamboo FieldStrawberry FieldPineapple PatchStump FieldCactus FieldPumpkin PatchPine Tree ForestRose FieldAnt FieldHub FieldMountain Top FieldCoconut FieldPepper Patch
Shops Basic Egg ShopBoost MarketTreat ShopGumdrop ShopRoyal Jelly ShopTicket ShopNoob ShopPro ShopMagic Bean ShopBadge Bearer's GuildDapper Bear's ShopStinger ShopMountain Top ShopBlue HQRed HQHub Field ShopRobo Bear's ShopPetal ShopCoconut CaveTicket TentRobux Shop
Gates Basic Bee GateBrave Bee GateHoney Bee GateAnt GateLion Bee GateBear GateWindy Bee Gate
Machines Honey DispenserRoyal Jelly DispenserTreat DispenserInstant ConverterWealth ClockMoon Amulet GeneratorMemory MatchBlue Field BoosterRed Field BoosterField BoosterBlueberry DispenserStrawberry DispenserHoneystormSpecial Sprout SummonerFree Ant Pass DispenserAnt Pass DispenserGlue DispenserBlenderCoconut DispenserMythic Meteor ShowerFree Robo Pass DispenserRobo Pass DispenserSticker StackSticker PrinterNectar Condenser
Transportation SlingshotYellow CannonBlue CannonRed CannonBlue TeleporterRed Teleporter
Leaderboards Daily Top HoneymakersAll-Time Top HoneymakersGlobal Top BattlersTop Ant ExterminatorsFastest Crab SlayersTop Stick Bug FightersTop Bucko Bee HelpersTop Riley Bee HelpersMost Commando CapturesTop Brown Bear HelpersAll-Time Top Red CollectorsAll-Time Top Blue CollectorsAll-Time Top White CollectorsDaily Top Red CollectorsDaily Top Blue CollectorsDaily Top White CollectorsHighest Damage to a Single PuffshroomTallest Sticker StackHighest Robo Bear Challenge ScoresHighest Snowbear LevelHighest Robo Party Cake Rank
HiveObstacle CoursesKing Beetle LairWhite TunnelWerewolf's CaveAnt ChallengeStar HallGummy Bear's LairAnt Challenge InfoVicious Bee Egg ClaimGummy Bee Egg ClaimWind ShrineMazesHive HubSticker-Seeker Quest Machine
Beesmas TreeOrnament PresentsThe ComputerGift BoxesHoney WreathStockingsGingerbread HouseSnowbear SummonerBeesmas LightsSamovarBeesmas FeastOnett's Lid ArtGalentine Wind ShrineWinter Memory MatchSnow MachineHoneyday CandlesRobo Bear's Party CakeGummy BeaconNaughty List