Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

Dapper Bear's Shop is a shop located behind the Brave Bee Gate. There are lower platforms the player is able to jump to in order to access the shop. The shop sells reusable Planters and 6 beequips, with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th beequips requiring you to complete a certain number of Dapper Bear's Quests in order to unlock them. You also have to pay honey and tickets for each beequip with the amounts scaling from the quality of the beequip. This is also where Dapper Bear is located.

The Beequips that can be purchased in the shop include:

Smiley StickerSmiley Sticker
Bottle CapBottle Cap
Camo BandanaCamo Bandana
Charm BraceletCharm Bracelet
Bang SnapBang Snap
Pink EraserPink Eraser
Bead LizardBead Lizard
Camphor Lip BalmCamphor Lip Balm
Candy RingCandy Ring
Rose HeadbandRose Headband
Demon TalismanDemon Talisman
Autumn SunhatAutumn Sunhat

When buying a beequip with a potential of half, it will either round up or round down after purchase.

To enter Dapper Bear's Shop, the player must wear the Propeller Hat and the Hiking Boots or better. If the player wears something "lower" than the propeller hat (the Helmet, Strange Goggles, BBM Mask, Mondo BBM Mask) and hiking boots (Basic Boots) and tries to enter the shop, a prompt will say: "You Must Wear a Nice Hat and Cool Boots to enter Dapper Bear's Shop."

The shop has a tan interior with a blue floor and ceiling, as well as two windows in the front. Above the entrance is an image of a Beequip Case. On the left side of the interior, there is the Beequip shop and the Highest Damage to a Single Puffshroom leaderboard. On the right side of the shop is the Planter shop.

The roof of the shop has a Royal JellyRoyal Jelly token, 25 HoneysuckleHoneysuckles, and 3 Smooth DiceSmooth Dice. During Beesmas 2021 and 2022, Dapper Bear's Samovar is located next to the shop entrance. In Beesmas 2021, the Mythic Gift Box (12th present) was located on the roof. During Beesmas 2022, the Shimmering Gift Box (5th present) was located to the right of the shop entrance. The shop has an obstacle course on the right side of the shop that leads up to the roof. It splits up into two paths: a rocky wall and a moon obby. The rocky wall allows access the roof, where a royal jelly and a honeysuckle token are hidden. The moon obby leads to a Star JellyStar Jelly on a platform behind the shop (in order for the platforms to appear, it is necessary to have a Moon Amulet while at night time that isn't the night the player obtained the Moon Amulet). It is also possible to bypass the obby by using a Glider.

Planter Shop[]

Item Cost Description
Plastic Planter
Honey750,000 Honey
Magic Bean3 Magic Beans
Soft Wax1 Soft Wax
A reusable planter that grows in about 2 hours. Stores around 250k Pollen. Harvest to collect random items and Nectar boosts!
Candy Planter
Honey5,000,000 Honey
Magic Bean5 Magic Beans
Gumdrops30 Gumdrops
Jelly Beans3 Jelly Beans
Soft Wax5 Soft Waxes
Alone, grows in about 4 hours and stores around 1 million Pollen. Grants bonus GumdropsGumdrops and Jellybeans.
Tacky Planter
Honey50,000,000 Honey
Magic Bean10 Magic Beans
Purple Potion1 Purple Potion
Hard Wax5 Hard Waxes
Soft Wax20 Soft Waxes
Alone, grows in about 8 hours and stores around 15 million Pollen. Grants bonus Field Dice and Sunflower Seeds.
  • Grows 25% faster and grants +100% Pollen in the starting zone.
  • Grants +25% Satisfying and Comforting Nectar
Pesticide Planter
Honey750,000,000 Honey
Magic Bean25 Magic Beans
Neonberry25 Neonberries
Glue15 Glues
Caustic Wax3 Caustic Waxes
Hard Wax10 Hard Waxes
Alone, grows in about 10 hours and stores around 200m Pollen. Grants bonus Bitterberries and Neonberries.
  • Grows 30% faster and grants +50% pollen on harvest in the 5 Bee Zone.
  • Bees with mutations are 25% more likely to sip Nectar from this.
  • Grants +30% Satisfying and Motivating Nectar
The Planter Of Plenty

Honey100T Honey
Magic Bean500 Magic Beans
Super Smoothie100 Super Smoothies
Swirled Wax100 Swirled Waxes
Caustic Wax100 Caustic Waxes
Hard Wax100 Hard Waxes
Turpentine25 Turpentines
Alone, grows in about 16 hours and stores around 1 trillion Pollen. Grants many bonus items, including Neonberries, Waxes, and Turpentine.
  • Grows 50% faster and grants +50% more pollen on harvest in the Pepper Patch and Stump, Coconut, and Mountain Top Fields.
  • Gifted bees are 50% more likely to sip Nectar from this.
  • Grants +50% of all Nectar types

Beequip Shop[]

The Beequip Shop offers 6 slots, the first two are does not require anything but offers only a few types with higher chances of the beequips having lower potential, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th slots requires 5/10/15/20 quests finished from Dapper Bear respectively, and each of the slots requires more quests from Dapper Bear will offer certain beequips with better chances for a high potential. The cost of the beequip scales from the beequip itself and its quality.

Beequip Cost (1 Potential Cost (10 Potential) Price increase per additional 1 Star Potential Slots Available
Honey250K Honey
Ticket5 Tickets
Honey20M Honey
Ticket15 Tickets
1, 2, 3, 4
Bottle Cap
Honey2.5M Honey
Ticket10 Tickets
Honey150M Honey 1, 2, 3, 4
Honey20M Honey
Ticket15 Tickets
1, 2, 3, 4
Honey10M Honey
Ticket10 Tickets
1, 2, 3, 4
Smiley Sticker
3, 4, 5
Honey250K Honey
Ticket5 Tickets
Honey20M Honey
Ticket15 Tickets
Camo Bandana
Honey10M Honey
Ticket15 Tickets
Bang Snap
Honey50B Honey
Ticket100 Tickets
4, 5, 6
Pink Eraser
Honey250M Honey
Ticket50 Tickets
Honey197B Honey
Ticket95 Tickets
3, 4, 5, 6
3, 4, 5, 6
Charm Bracelet
Honey500M Honey
Ticket50 Tickets
4, 5, 6
Honey95.1B Honey
Ticket75 Tickets
4, 5, 6
Bead Lizard
Honey41.7B Honey
Ticket70 Tickets
4, 5, 6
Honey91.7B Honey
Ticket100 Tickets
Camphor Lip Balm
Honey400M Honey
Ticket30 Tickets
Honey343B Honey
Ticket70 Tickets
3, 4, 5, 6
Candy Ring
Honey700B Honey
Ticket150 Tickets
3, 4, 5, 6
Rose Headband
Honey500M Honey
Ticket75 Tickets
Honey400B Honey
Ticket100 Tickets
3, 4, 5, 6
Demon Talisman
4, 5, 6
Autumn Sunhat
Honey7T Honey
Ticket100 Tickets
3, 4, 5, 6


The following music 'nectar' plays in his shop:



  • This shop and Robo Bear's Shop are the only shops where the Bear NPC owner can talk to you.
  • This is the only shop where you need to equip a certain hat and boots to access (Propeller Hat and Hiking Boots or something "higher" than them).
  • This shop, Robo Bear’s Shop and the Coconut Cave are the only shops where the music that is playing isn't "vendor".
    • Unlike the other two, Dapper Bear’s Shop has its own music.
  • Using the Hiking Boots can help with completing the obby. The jump power is low enough to not bump into the roof, but high enough to be able to grab the Star Jelly at the end. A Glider is also recommended.
  • There used be a Beequip Storage case to Dapper Bear's left, but it was moved to the spawn.
Fields Sunflower FieldDandelion FieldMushroom FieldBlue Flower FieldClover FieldSpider FieldBamboo FieldStrawberry FieldPineapple PatchStump FieldCactus FieldPumpkin PatchPine Tree ForestRose FieldAnt FieldHub FieldMountain Top FieldCoconut FieldPepper Patch
Shops Basic Egg ShopBoost MarketTreat ShopGumdrop ShopRoyal Jelly ShopTicket ShopNoob ShopPro ShopMagic Bean ShopBadge Bearer's GuildDapper Bear's ShopStinger ShopMountain Top ShopBlue HQRed HQHub Field ShopRobo Bear's ShopPetal ShopCoconut CaveTicket TentRobux Shop
Gates Basic Bee GateBrave Bee GateHoney Bee GateAnt GateLion Bee GateBear GateWindy Bee Gate
Machines Honey DispenserRoyal Jelly DispenserTreat DispenserInstant ConverterWealth ClockMoon Amulet GeneratorMemory MatchBlue Field BoosterRed Field BoosterField BoosterBlueberry DispenserStrawberry DispenserHoneystormSpecial Sprout SummonerFree Ant Pass DispenserAnt Pass DispenserGlue DispenserBlenderCoconut DispenserMythic Meteor ShowerFree Robo Pass DispenserRobo Pass DispenserSticker StackSticker PrinterNectar Condenser
Transportation SlingshotYellow CannonBlue CannonRed CannonBlue TeleporterRed Teleporter
Leaderboards Daily Top HoneymakersAll-Time Top HoneymakersGlobal Top BattlersTop Ant ExterminatorsFastest Crab SlayersTop Stick Bug FightersTop Bucko Bee HelpersTop Riley Bee HelpersMost Commando CapturesTop Brown Bear HelpersAll-Time Top Red CollectorsAll-Time Top Blue CollectorsAll-Time Top White CollectorsDaily Top Red CollectorsDaily Top Blue CollectorsDaily Top White CollectorsHighest Damage to a Single PuffshroomTallest Sticker StackHighest Robo Bear Challenge ScoresHighest Snowbear LevelHighest Robo Party Cake Rank
HiveObstacle CoursesKing Beetle LairWhite TunnelWerewolf's CaveAnt ChallengeStar HallGummy Bear's LairAnt Challenge InfoVicious Bee Egg ClaimGummy Bee Egg ClaimWind ShrineMazesHive HubSticker-Seeker Quest Machine
Beesmas TreeOrnament PresentsThe ComputerGift BoxesHoney WreathStockingsGingerbread HouseSnowbear SummonerBeesmas LightsSamovarBeesmas FeastOnett's Lid ArtGalentine Wind ShrineWinter Memory MatchSnow MachineHoneyday CandlesRobo Bear's Party CakeGummy BeaconNaughty List