Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

The Noob Shop is a shop run by Noob Bear. This shop sells four bags, five tools, two hats, one pair of boots, and one belt. It is located right next to the Dandelion Field, and below the entrance of the Star Hall. It is the first shop, other than the Ticket Tent, players have access to.

Onett has not yet revealed the official name of this shop; it has been named "Noob Shop" by the players because the bear inside is labeled "Noob Bear". However, when Mother Bear talks about amulets with the player, she calls the shop, "Noob Bear's Shop."

Outside of the shop, there is a Honey Dispenser, which can only be used by members of the Bee Swarm Simulator Club.

Behind the Honey Dispenser is a hidden obstacle course. There is a Royal JellyRoyal Jelly token at the end of it, located inside the Noob Shop. This obstacle course also has the Demon Mask shop. During the Egg Hunt 2019 event, a Plastic EggPlastic Egg token was added to this course as a part of Brown Bear's Egg Hunt 2019 Quest; but this token was removed after the event and replaced with a token that gives Ticket3 Tickets.

Spotted Chicks could have spawned here during the 2020 Egg Hunt Event, however this was removed.

Shop Items[]

Item Cost Description
Honey0 Honey
(Starter Tool)
Collects 2 pollen from 2 patches in front of you in 0.8 seconds.
Honey800 Honey Collects 2 pollen from 3 patches in front of you in 0.7 seconds.
Honey2,200 Honey Collects 9 pollen in the patch in front of you in 0.6 seconds.
Honey5,500 Honey Collects 2 pollen from 9 surrounding patches in 0.8 seconds.
Honey14,000 Honey Collects 2 pollen from 13 surrounding patches in 0.8 seconds.

Item Cost Description
Honey0 Honey
(Starter Bag)
A small bag.
  • +200 Capacity.
Honey650 Honey A durable plastic jar. Holds over twice as much as the Pouch!
  • +750 Capacity.
Honey5,500 Honey A heavy-duty backpack.
  • +3,500 Capacity.
Honey22,000 Honey A high-tech container that improves conversion speed.

Item Cost Description
Honey30,000 Honey
Pineapple5 Pineapples
Moon Charm1 Moon Charm
A hard hat that grants bonus pollen and helps prevent head injuries.
Belt Pocket-0
Honey14,000 Honey
Sunflower Seed10 Sunflower Seeds
Attaches to your waist to expand the size of your container.
Basic Boots
Honey4,400 Honey
Sunflower Seed3 Sunflower Seeds
Blueberry3 Blueberries
Collect pollen as you walk through flowers!
Strange Goggles
Strange Goggles (Removed)
Honey77 Honey
Micro-Converter1 Micro-Converter
7-Pronged Cog7 7-Pronged Cogs
This futuristic looking headset doesn't seem to do very much...
  • [Hat]
  • +77 Capacity.
  • +7% Defense.




  • After the 5/12/2018 update, a green cog appeared on top of this shop. This is a hint for the code "cog".
    • On top of this cog, there is a Robo PassRobo Pass token.
  • Out of the three shops that have a shop bear, this is the only one that doesn't sell a Gliding Tool.
  • The Helmet is the most expensive item in the Noob Shop.
  • This is the only shop that has automatically equipped items, which are the Scooper and the Pouch.
Fields Sunflower FieldDandelion FieldMushroom FieldBlue Flower FieldClover FieldSpider FieldBamboo FieldStrawberry FieldPineapple PatchStump FieldCactus FieldPumpkin PatchPine Tree ForestRose FieldAnt FieldHub FieldMountain Top FieldCoconut FieldPepper Patch
Shops Basic Egg ShopBoost MarketTreat ShopGumdrop ShopRoyal Jelly ShopTicket ShopNoob ShopPro ShopMagic Bean ShopBadge Bearer's GuildDapper Bear's ShopStinger ShopMountain Top ShopBlue HQRed HQHub Field ShopRobo Bear's ShopPetal ShopCoconut CaveTicket TentRobux Shop
Gates Basic Bee GateBrave Bee GateHoney Bee GateAnt GateLion Bee GateBear GateWindy Bee Gate
Machines Honey DispenserRoyal Jelly DispenserTreat DispenserInstant ConverterWealth ClockMoon Amulet GeneratorMemory MatchBlue Field BoosterRed Field BoosterField BoosterBlueberry DispenserStrawberry DispenserHoneystormSpecial Sprout SummonerFree Ant Pass DispenserAnt Pass DispenserGlue DispenserBlenderCoconut DispenserMythic Meteor ShowerFree Robo Pass DispenserRobo Pass DispenserSticker StackSticker PrinterNectar Condenser
Transportation SlingshotYellow CannonBlue CannonRed CannonBlue TeleporterRed Teleporter
Leaderboards Daily Top HoneymakersAll-Time Top HoneymakersGlobal Top BattlersTop Ant ExterminatorsFastest Crab SlayersTop Stick Bug FightersTop Bucko Bee HelpersTop Riley Bee HelpersMost Commando CapturesTop Brown Bear HelpersAll-Time Top Red CollectorsAll-Time Top Blue CollectorsAll-Time Top White CollectorsDaily Top Red CollectorsDaily Top Blue CollectorsDaily Top White CollectorsHighest Damage to a Single PuffshroomTallest Sticker StackHighest Robo Bear Challenge ScoresHighest Snowbear LevelHighest Robo Party Cake Rank
HiveObstacle CoursesKing Beetle LairWhite TunnelWerewolf's CaveAnt ChallengeStar HallGummy Bear's LairAnt Challenge InfoVicious Bee Egg ClaimGummy Bee Egg ClaimWind ShrineMazesHive HubSticker-Seeker Quest Machine
Beesmas TreeOrnament PresentsThe ComputerGift BoxesHoney WreathStockingsGingerbread HouseSnowbear SummonerBeesmas LightsSamovarBeesmas FeastOnett's Lid ArtGalentine Wind ShrineWinter Memory MatchSnow MachineHoneyday CandlesRobo Bear's Party CakeGummy BeaconNaughty List