Not to be confused with the Free Royal Jelly Dispenser, which does not cost anything, or the Royal Jelly Shop.

The Royal Jelly Ticket Dispenser beside the Clover Field.
The Royal Jelly Dispenser is a dispenser that is located near the Clover Field and the Noob Shop. It requires 6 Tickets to be exchanged for
1 Royal Jelly and 10× Haste.
The dispenser has a cooldown of 3 seconds.
- In terms of honey, the Royal Jelly Dispenser is very overpriced due to 1 royal jelly costing 1 million honey at the royal jelly shop, although if a player were to purchase 6 tickets from the mountain top Ticket Shop, it would cost more than a million honey.
- The Royal Jelly Ticket Dispenser is one of three dispensers that require tickets to use, the others being the Ant Pass Dispenser and the Robo Pass Dispenser.
- Coincidentally, all three dispensers have a counterpart that gives their item for free, albeit with a much longer cooldown in between usage.
- The Royal Jelly Dispenser's free counterpart, however, requires gifted bees in order to become utilized.
- The Royal Jelly Dispenser, the Honey Dispenser, the Strawberry Dispenser, the Blueberry Dispenser, the Glue Dispenser, and the Samovar are the only dispensers that are required to be used for a quest.