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Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
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Stockings is a Beesmas exclusive machine that can be unlocked after completing Brown Bear's Beesmas quest. They were introduced on Beesmas 2020 and always returned on Beesmas even since. The Stockings is located at the bottom of the hill that Brown Bear is on, next to the Clover Field. When used, they spawn a random beequip, as well as 2 random items in front of the stockings. It has a 1 hour cooldown.


Beequips (1 per use) Other items (2 per use)
Elf CapElf Cap
Beesmas TopBeesmas Top
Warm ScarfWarm Scarf
Single MittenSingle Mitten
Electric CandleElectric Candle (Somewhat Rare)
Toy HornToy Horn (Rare)
Toy DrumToy Drum (Rare)
Bubble LightBubble Light (Rare)
Paper AngelPaper Angel (Rare)
Beesmas Tree HatBeesmas Tree Hat (Rare)
Lump Of CoalLump Of Coal (Extremely rare)
Royal JellyRoyal Jellies
GumdropsGumdrops (in increments of 1 or 5)
Magic BeanMagic Beans
Moon CharmMoon Charms (in increments of 1 to 10)
Field DiceField Dice
Red ExtractRed Extracts
Blue ExtractBlue Extracts
Night BellNight Bell (Rare)
Box-O-FrogsBox-O-Frogs (Rare)
Silver EggSilver Egg (Rare)
Gold EggGold Egg (Rare)
Purple PotionPurple Potion (Rare)
Diamond EggDiamond Egg (Rare)
Mythic EggMythic Egg (Very rare)
Festive BeanFestive Bean (Very rare)

Critter In A Stocking Sticker (Extremely rare)
Star TreatStar Treat (Extremely rare)
TurpentineTurpentine (Extremely rare)



  • If the player attempts to use the Stockings before the player completed Brown Bear's 2021 Beesmas quest, it will display text saying "This mantle looks so barren without Stockings on the hooks..."
  • Every time the player uses the Stockings, they can only get 1 of each item, excluding gumdrops and moon charms.
  • Tokens spawned by the Stockings can be collected by a token link.
  • Loot Luck does not affect the Stocking drops.