Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki

The Windy Bee Gate, or the 35 Bee Gate, is a gate that requires 35 bees to unlock. It is located on the right of the Ticket Tent and Red Cannon. It gets its name by the large Windy Bee figure on top of it.

Inside this Gate is the Coconut Field, the Pepper Patch, Spirit Bear, Wind Shrine, the Extreme Memory Match, and two Shops, the Petal Shop and Coconut Cave. The Petal Shop sells the Petal Wand, Petal Belt and the Petal Planter. while the Coconut Cave sells the Coconut Canister, Coconut Clogs and Coconut Belt.


The following soundtrack "overflowin4" plays past this gate:


  • This gate is the first and currently the only gate in the game that has an Event bee representing it.
  • This gate, along with the Bear Gate, are currently the only gates that require purchasing hive slots to pass.
    • The gate also plays the same music as the Bear Gate.
  • This gate gives access to the blocked off area in the Blue Maze through the Petal Shop.
  • This gate is the only place where sprouts can't appear naturally or be planted with the Special Sprout Summoner.
  • The sprouts planted by a player require more pollen to grow than in other locations for better loot and guaranteed more drops.
Fields Sunflower FieldDandelion FieldMushroom FieldBlue Flower FieldClover FieldSpider FieldBamboo FieldStrawberry FieldPineapple PatchStump FieldCactus FieldPumpkin PatchPine Tree ForestRose FieldAnt FieldHub FieldMountain Top FieldCoconut FieldPepper Patch
Shops Basic Egg ShopBoost MarketTreat ShopGumdrop ShopRoyal Jelly ShopTicket ShopNoob ShopPro ShopMagic Bean ShopBadge Bearer's GuildDapper Bear's ShopStinger ShopMountain Top ShopBlue HQRed HQHub Field ShopRobo Bear's ShopPetal ShopCoconut CaveTicket TentRobux Shop
Gates Basic Bee GateBrave Bee GateHoney Bee GateAnt GateLion Bee GateBear GateWindy Bee Gate
Machines Honey DispenserRoyal Jelly DispenserTreat DispenserInstant ConverterWealth ClockMoon Amulet GeneratorMemory MatchBlue Field BoosterRed Field BoosterField BoosterBlueberry DispenserStrawberry DispenserHoneystormSpecial Sprout SummonerFree Ant Pass DispenserAnt Pass DispenserGlue DispenserBlenderCoconut DispenserMythic Meteor ShowerFree Robo Pass DispenserRobo Pass DispenserSticker StackSticker PrinterNectar Condenser
Transportation SlingshotYellow CannonBlue CannonRed CannonBlue TeleporterRed Teleporter
Leaderboards Daily Top HoneymakersAll-Time Top HoneymakersGlobal Top BattlersTop Ant ExterminatorsFastest Crab SlayersTop Stick Bug FightersTop Bucko Bee HelpersTop Riley Bee HelpersMost Commando CapturesTop Brown Bear HelpersAll-Time Top Red CollectorsAll-Time Top Blue CollectorsAll-Time Top White CollectorsDaily Top Red CollectorsDaily Top Blue CollectorsDaily Top White CollectorsHighest Damage to a Single PuffshroomTallest Sticker StackHighest Robo Bear Challenge ScoresHighest Snowbear LevelHighest Robo Party Cake Rank
HiveObstacle CoursesKing Beetle LairWhite TunnelWerewolf's CaveAnt ChallengeStar HallGummy Bear's LairAnt Challenge InfoVicious Bee Egg ClaimGummy Bee Egg ClaimWind ShrineMazesHive HubSticker-Seeker Quest Machine
Beesmas TreeOrnament PresentsThe ComputerGift BoxesHoney WreathStockingsGingerbread HouseSnowbear SummonerBeesmas LightsSamovarBeesmas FeastOnett's Lid ArtGalentine Wind ShrineWinter Memory MatchSnow MachineHoneyday CandlesRobo Bear's Party CakeGummy BeaconNaughty List